Robin Gilman

Little Lord Fauntleroy

“Little Lord Fauntleroy” by Frances Hodgsonn Burnett is the story about a little boy living with his poor, widowed mother, who finds out that he is an English lord (via his deceased father) and eventual heir to a fortune. He moves to England with his mother to live with his granddfather. His mother, an American and not of noble blood, was the reason for an estrangement between his father and grandfather. His grandfather has the young widow living in a cottage, and not with her son, although the boy, Cedric, has a weekly visit with her. The mother continues to influence little Cedric as she always has done, and the boy’s trusting, sweet and grateful spirit has a positive effect on the old grandfather. Both Cedric and his mother are filled with all manner of virtues to inspire the reader, and the book has twists and turns that make it an interesting read. (Not to mention that Frances Hodgson Burnett is an excellent writer.)