Robin Gilman

The Freedom of Knowing Your Worth

You, dear reader – and each individual human being – have great worth. God’s creation is valuable: as God made each new thing, the Scriptures say, “and God saw that it was good.” But God’s crowning moment of creation was creating human beings in His own image! And when all that was done, God saw everything He had made and behold,  it was very good” (Genesis 1:31).

If you are here, if you exist, it is because God wanted you to exist. God opens and closes the womb, and God knits us together in our mothers’ wombs (Psalm 139:13), You are God’s great idea! He values you, and He values all people (which is why we should treat others with honour and respect, and why murder is so bad!).

Many people feel bad about themselves for various reasons. Maybe they’ve been told negative words from parents, coaches, teachers, or peers. Maybe they have compared themselves to others and feel inferior. Maybe they have been stuck trying to succeed in something in which they are not gifted instead of thriving in the thing(s) they were made for.

People who are insecure, who don’t know their worth, are weighed down – it’s like they have a fortress mentality, so that they won’t get more hurt, so they won’t fail. And that takes energy from just living.

Once we realize our value to God, we can be free to serve God and others. We don’t have to spend time and energy trying to prove ourselves or holding back because we are afraid to fail or to be hurt.

Let me encourage you to thank God for creating you, thank Him that you have value, so that you can be free to pursue God, asking Him about the “good works that He has prepared for you” (Ephesians 2:10).