Robin Gilman

A Worthy Sacrifice

“Are you okay?” my husband asked me.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” was my answer.

The truth was, I was sort of fine. That is, I should have been fine. But I was sort of not fine. There was nothing actually wrong except my attitude.

Circumstances (one child was sick, another one was working at her new job) had me doing my chores and everyone else’s. And I wasn’t pleased. I was inwardly grumpy (only I guess I wasn’t hiding it too well for my husband to be asking me if I was okay).

Later that day I realized just how wrong my grumpy attitude was: serving is what we are called to do. If we have “presented our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God” that is our “spiritual worship” (Romans 12:1). In other words, if we are doing what God wants us to do; if we are obeying God, that’s our worship.

In my case, I was doing what I was supposed to be doing (all those tasks, one after the other), but my attitude was all wrong. It’s like offering a blemished sacrifice to God. Back in the days of Temple worship, God’s people were supposed to offer unblemished sacrifices, sacrifices worthy of the Creator, God.

I repented of my attitude.

And I am choosing to offer only unblemished sacrifices to God – to serve with a joyful and a thankful heart – a worthy sacrifice to the King of Kings.