Behold, I send an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. Pay careful attention to him and obey his voice; do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgression, for my name is in him. (23:20-21).
If the Israelites disobey the angel God is sending to lead and guard them, they won’t be forgiven, because God’s name is in him. In the following verses God is making very clear to the Israelites that He alone is their God, and they must be very careful not to serve other gods. This is why they must get rid of every pagan inhabitant of the land God is giving them, because if any resident pagans remain, they might influence the Israelites to serve their gods.
God has a covenant relationship with the Israelites, as we have seen, and as their God He has and will take care of them. Besides all that He has done already for them (and that’s a lot!) as well as sending His angel to guard and lead them, God promises to provide for them (23:25), take their sicknesses away (23:25), keep them from miscarriages or barrenness (23:26), and give them victory over their enemies by various means (23: 27-29).
And what do they have to do? Love and obey only HaShem their God.
Does God want anything different from us? That’s a rhetorical question – the answer is an obvious “no!”
There is only one true God. He is a covenant-making and covenant-keeping God. And the new covenant that He made through Yeshua’s sacrificial, atoning death, is to welcome all those who come to Him through Yeshua – to be their God.
The Israelites were to get rid of all the pagan inhabitants of the land that God was giving them in order that they wouldn’t be influenced to worship their false gods. While our western society doesn’t bow down before actual idols of wood or stone, we live in a society which proclaims the opposite of God’s ways. We are surrounded by anti-godly influences at every turn through media of all sorts, the internet, etc.
As I read this passage, I am challenged to be very discerning in order to minimize the ungodly influences in my life. We need to be led by God’s Spirit in this. I can’t look to other believers to get my cues, as we are all somewhat compromised. I must look to God. There is a saying I once heard; “Others may, you may not.” Or “Others may, I may not.” I have had times where I have been enjoying watching a movie or show with others but felt conviction that I needed to stop. “Others may, I may not.” God commands us to be holy as He is holy.
Paul’s words in Philippians 4:8 can help: “Whatever is true, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
Prayer: Lord, You alone are God and You alone deserve my allegiance and obedience. Reveal to me anything in my life that is hindering me in my walk with You and empower me to deal with it according to Your will. Amen.